July 8, 2014 – UPDATE: MNsure Offers One-Time Special Enrollment to Certain Continuation Beneficiaries

July 8, 2014 – UPDATE: MNsure Offers One-Time Special Enrollment to Certain Continuation Beneficiaries

We recently issued a Client Alert regarding MNsure’s decision to offer a one-time special enrollment opportunity for certain persons on COBRA (available here)The Broker Update announcing the one-time special enrollment opportunity referenced only COBRA coverage.  We asked MNsure whether individuals receiving continuation coverage pursuant to Minnesota law (e.g., insurance continuation coverage under Chapter 62A, public sector retiree continuation coverage under Section 471.61, etc.) could take advantage of the special enrollment opportunity even though their continuation coverage was not being provided pursuant to the federal COBRA law.  According to MNsure’s response, such individuals are eligible for the one-time special enrollment opportunity, which is available through July 15th. 

If you would like more information or assistance in developing your strategy in response to this recent guidance, please contact us.
